This year we're off to Lanzarote in September. The cost will be about £850 for the hotel and £240 for a 10 days dive package. Please speak to Andy if you would like to book a place or leave a comment below if you have any questions!
It's the time of year where we renew our diving skills, so book yours in with Andy as soon as you can. 8.30pm at the pool. We always aim to get them complete before the start of the diving season.
Committee Meeting
Will be at Stoodleigh Village Hall on Saturday 18th February. We are combining it with a skittles night. Meet at 7pm. There is no bar, so bring your own drinks, but there will be good food available. The first is £5 per person, please liase with Linda 07818433046
Annual General Meeting
This year will be on 17th of March, 7pm at the Fisherman's Cot, then staying on for drinks and a delicious dinner.
BSAC Stuff
The wreck of the Coronation off Plymouth is not normally accessible to divers, but there is now a website where you can explore it virtually. Check it out at
And now, the weather.